
Sir Ken Robinson's point of view

I think this man is completely right.

Our minds's wings have been severed by the fear of being wrong. We have been educated on the base of believing we have to be right all the time, and mistakes are punished and mocked at.

I think it has something to do with efficiency. You make the right decisions, wisely, and you become more efficient. If you make a mistake, you're not that useful, or you're even worthless. Everyone is ashamed of you, and they try to make you feel better, because they know how harsh social pressure is.

The result: We're scared. We're not that confident'. We don't DARE doing something different, fun, weird, original. Because it could be the wrong choice. To who? to everyone else. Not us. To them, to the rest of the people.

This relates to us, graphic designers, in a critical way. Well, it does to pretty much everyone, but I'll speak for my partners.

We may not open our minds wider to better and more interesting graphics, because we're insecure about everything. We have been educated that way, and under the circumstances, it's hard to change the way we feel.

If we were younger, perhaps it wouldn't be such a hard task. We have our beliefs, they have strong roots in our minds, it's a tough job to modify them.

But it doesn't mean we must stop trying :D our future is in our hands, and soon our children's education will be our responsability too. We have to know how to face that challenge.

Lets go for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm agree with you, fear attacked us and we are not able to get trough it and in the end we fall into mediocrity.

